Ubuntu 12.04 server LTS
Coffee With Milk Theme Version 1..2
error: Class ‘coresessionmanager’
not present in /var/www/moodle/theme/coffee shop_disadvantage_leche/lib.php online 275
Initially I figured that the theme
upgrade might have fixed things, however the same factor was happening after upgrading
towards the latest theme above, and purging all caches a couple of occasions.
I am unsure exactly what the implications of
this warning are.
Ubuntu 13.10 server
Coffee With Milk Theme Version 1..2
Warning: Cannot modify header
information – headers already sent by (output began at /var/www/moodle/theme/coffee shop_disadvantage_leche/version.php:1)
in /var/www/moodle/theme/coffee shop_disadvantage_leche/layout/general.php online 85