Visa applications: Entering or transiting China
What direction to go in China?
Intro to Chinese Food
Money issues
Which are the daily expenses of independent travel?
How can you cut back in visiting plus China?
What is going to the weather finish up like?
It’s my first-time to visit China, is it possible to assist me?
When and how much to tip in China?
Exactly what are toilets just like China? What can i expect.
What can i expect at Chinese hotels and how can you deal with potential issues?
The facts choose to circumvent China using Flights, Trains and?
How easy can it be to go to extended distances by rail in China?
I have to study a handful of words of Mandarin before my trip. Any suggestions?
Mobile phones and Sim cards. Exactly what are my options?
Group tours feature forced shopping stops & Remaining from SCAMS
This my second time to China. How to proceed?
Resourse: https://tripadvisor.com/
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Fon Fon: aduh hidupnya senang banget,saya aja gak bisa kayak gitu.merasa iri deh,tapi ya mau gimana lagi,terima aja ,hehe
Sahram Sahram: waduh cwantik bangetttt
MYFUNFOODIARY: Terima kaaaasiiiih… ☺️